
Number statistics system

  • No:VionCount
  • Quantity:


    VionCount is an advanced intelligent security system that monitors crowd movements. The system can accurately count the number of people entering and exiting the channel and provide information on the direction of crowd movement. Users can specify monitoring of one or more entrances and exits as needed, or they can specify a single-direction or two-way population flow. Depending on the customer's needs, the system can generate statistics reports or upload them to other business management software.
    The Wen'an Population Statistics System can be used at entrances and exits of the channel and other key areas of monitoring, including shopping malls, stadiums, exhibition halls, banks, hospitals, stations, airports, military points entrances and exits and restricted areas.
    The statistics system can provide accurate statistics and analysis data on the flow of people and the direction of population flow, and provide a strong basis for scientific management.
    The cultural and statistical system can play different roles in different applications. The system can obtain information on the number of people distributed in shopping malls or retail outlets according to different time periods, the statistics on the flow of people on sidewalks outside the shopping malls, which is conducive to assessing the appropriate location of the store, and for department stores, management can use the number statistics system to understand customer behavior. and to assess the adequacy and ease of use of the facilities provided by the building, such as seating, public telephones and sanitation facilities.

    The Literaan Population Statistics System is suitable for:

    Supermarkets, chain stores, department stores, large shopping malls
    Hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues
    Public places such as schools, libraries, exhibition halls, sports fields, gymnasiums, museums, art galleries, etc.
    Tourist attractions, city squares, parks
    - Passenger terminals, train stations and airports