Origin: Russia
Detection signal type
Analog-Analog Signal
GSM - GSM signal
UMTS - UMTS (3G) signal
CDMA - CDMA signal
DECT-DECT signal
Bluetooth-Bluetooth Signal
Wi-Fi-Wi-Fi signal
Other Pulse Signals in 2.4 GHz-2.4 GHz Frequency Range
Specification parameters:
Frequency range 40 - 3800.Hz
Cellular and Wireless Signal GSM 850/900E/1800/1900
UMTS 850/900/1800/1900/2100
CDMA 450 (A-H) /800/1900
DECT, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi
Typical sensitivity 70 mV/m
Dynamic RANGE 50 dB
Bandwidth 10.Hz
Scanning time 1.5 seconds
- Running time in monitor mode 4 is 12 hours
Running time in other modes is 3 hours
Maximum number of records 200
OLED Display Screen, 128*64
Working temperature + 5 - +40 & deg; C
77X 43X18mm in size
Weight 35 grams
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