
Public Washing Station

  • No:ZB-XZ
  • Quantity:


    Introduction of Washing System Configuration
    The washout system consists of a washout tent, a heater, a spray head, a sewage tank, a sewage pump, a sewage collection bag, a high-pressure temperature regulating hot water pump, a mixing tank and a sewage pump.
    Washing tents are classified as single-person washing tents, double-channel washing tents and large-scale washing tents for many people in the public. It is mainly used for washing contaminated water, environment and articles by fire fighters and public personnel. The relevant liquid is added into the washing system and washed by high pressure spraying device to eliminate poisons and centralized treatment. For those who have been exposed to life-threatening environment or chemical pollution, pollution should be eliminated as soon as possible. In the shortest possible time, the most effective and safe elimination of human pollution should be completed.
    2. Characteristic of Inflatable Tent for Fire-fighting Washing and Elimination
    Characteristic of fire extinguishing inflatable tent: easy to carry, hydrostatic pressure (> 50 kpa), inflatable pressure (> 20 kpa), fire retardant tent cloth (< 15). The main material of aerated cleaning tent is high strength PVC composite airtight thermal synthesis, which has high temperature resistance + 50 C low temperature - 20 C environment and can be used normally.
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