
File-made time multiple meter

  • No:DDG-WJ
  • Quantity:


    Introduction to the product
    The ability to perform absolute time-making tests eliminates the need to provide samples of the same color. Mainly used to test the document on the print, ballpoint pen, non-carbon signature pen, pure blue and blue and black pen, rewriting paper, ribbon printer, inkjet printer, carbon-free polysiting paper and other soluble color materials absolute formation time;Management of cultural inspection experiment files; feature-to-table production; image processing of seal printing.
    Product parameters
    1. Image resolution: 1024 x 768
    2. Image acquisition speed: s15 frames per second
    3. Video sync display: support
    4. Total Magnification: 10X-120X
    5. Physical field of view: 110mm x 110mm
    6.X, Y-axis movement range: 20mm x 20mm, Z-axis focus ingest range: 12mm
    7. X, Y, Z platform minimum mobile step: 10um
    8. Nine-hole clamp round countertop can be rotated 360 degrees
    9. Temperature setting range: 15-deg;-45-deg;real-time display of current temperature