
On-site poison test box

  • No:SYDP-49-1
  • Quantity:


    On-site poison test box can be extracted on-site urine, stomach contents, vomit, surplus food on-site inspection, the above-mentioned materialcontains in organophosphate pesticides, amino acid pesticides, amphetamines, barbiturates, opiates, amphetamine stimulants, tricyclic antidepressants and other rapid screening.

    20 Pesticide testing tube 20 Sample cups

    20 Pheennea triamcinolone reagent strip

    2 A distilled water bottle

    10 Barbarbital reagent strip

    15 Sample-only spoons

    10 Morphine screening reagent strip

    1 Bag disposable plastic gloves

    8 Methylamphetamine screening kit

    2 Put the tweezers

    8 Three-ring antidepressant kits

    1 Barrel

    9 Branch 50 Ml plastic centrifugal tube

    1 A marker pen

    20 Branch 1 Ml of plastic dropper

    1 Plastic boxes

    20 Filter plastic centrifugal tube

    1 Pencil case