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Inside Shoe Safety Inspector

  • No:SAMD
  • Quantity:


    Real metal detector in shoes. It can automatically detect whether there are explosive devices, knives, guns and other weapons in the shoes and lower parts of the body. It has strong detection ability, high sensitivity, comfortable experience for passengers, lower security manpower cost, and improve the speed of passengers.
    Used for re-inspection after passing through the security door. No need to take off shoes. It can automatically detect weapons in shoes. It can also distinguish metal in shoes and detect weapons in ankles or even higher positions.
    A one-step structural design is adopted so that only one foot can be placed by the inspected personnel.
    Equipment pedal, so that the two shoes will be separately checked, can make the analysis results.
    More accurate, at the same time, the inspected personnel are not easy to fall, increasing safety.
    Efficient analysis has greatly improved the speed of passenger passage.